Friday, February 8, 2013


Things that make Ryder Happy:
Being held
Getting kisses and hugs
Drinking milk
Taking baths
Getting his bum changed
Being naked

Things that make Ryder Sad:
Being put down
Going in his car seat
When he can't poop
When he's tired
When he doesn't get fed often enough

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My most favorite face...

This is my most favorite face in the whole world! 

Smiling and cooing...

While we were in Redding Ryder started smiling and cooing. He especially liked talking to and smiling at his Nana. He would look right in her eyes and smile. He was six weeks old and it was so fun to get to share that fun time with Nana over Christmas break. 

A name and a blessing...

Ryder James Thompson was blessed on December 29, 2013 in the Shasta Lake ward. We were able to have Grandpa Smith, Papa, Uncle Trevor and our good friend Austin in the blessing circle. His Daddy gave him a beautiful blessing. Blessing him with strength, good health, a kind heart and that he would be a peacemaker in our home.He cried through most of his blessing but was happy afterwards!